
Cookie viewer extension
Cookie viewer extension

This constants will be processed and correctly rendered on the frontend side.

cookie viewer extension

You can use inside the HTML part of your cookie configuration typoscript constants like. TypoScript Constants processing ( default: false - extension settings): If you are smart you can dispatch other stuff based on this, like loading google maps and so on when the right group is set. The events are quite nice to use together with the cookie "omCookieConsent" that is set after the save action, here you will find the different allowed groups (the number is the uid from the group). The events are dispatched on the first element found with the data tag "data-omcookie-panel", they bubbels both. You can also view our vendors and customize your choices by clicking Cookie Settings. You can listen to the event "cookieconsentscriptsloaded" dispatched after the html is put at the right place and the scripts are loaded or you can use the event "cookieconsentsave" dispached after saveing the optin panel. Clicking Dont enable will set only cookies that are strictly necessary. Javascript events and omCookieConsent cookie (for developers): If you change the fluid template please have a look at the data-tags, this data tags must be preserved or the javascript functionality will break.

cookie viewer extension

The language keys can be overridden by typoscript as usually. Trying to set a piece of html with javascript that should load only when no javascript is available, seems not a good idea ). This will not workout because, for now, the data is set only via javascript. It also allows you export the cookies into text/csv/html/xml file. it displays the list of all cookies stored by Google Chrome Web browser, and allows you to easily delete unwanted cookies. The assets are not minified, you can take those from the extension, save them elsewhere, modify them and adjust the path inside the constants of the extensionĪdding noscript tags over the cookie manager: ChromeCookiesView is an alternative to the standard internal cookies viewer of Google Chrome Web browser. Google Tag Manager Events are pushed only when a Google Tag Manager event name is set inside the group record. When you disable this setting you have to clear the cache manually after changes at groups or panels, otherwise the changes will not be rendered. Inside the the extension settings you will find the option for automatic frontend cache clear when changes at groups or panels are made.

cookie viewer extension

Automatic frontend cache clear (default: true - extension settings):

Cookie viewer extension